Now is the perfect timing for investments in Greece! As the country is gradually recovering from a recession, while the economy is restarting,
numerous opportunities for investments have been created, assessed and are ready for the grab.
The opportunity to invest and live in Greece:
Now is the perfect timing for investments in Greece! As the country is gradually recovering from a recession, while the economy is restarting,
numerous opportunities for investments have been created, assessed and are ready for the grab.
The opportunity to invest and live in Greece:
- The implementation of a full package of structural changes and reforms along with the drop of labor cost increase competitiveness and improve business investment environment.
- Rich natural resources, highly educated and skilled human resources, well developed infrastructures and a variety of specialized and technology clusters, form a landscape that supports entrepreneurial activity.
- The recapitalization of banks, grants by the investment law and a number of programs to empower entrepreneurship, offer investors a wide selection of alternatives for financing needs to implement business projects
Invest in Greece program entitles third country citizens to invest and reside in Greece. Hellenix, through the Invest in Greece program aims to successfully exploit the investment opportunities emerged in Greece today, in the following sectors:
- Property investments, of 250.000 Euros minimum value, granting a renewable 5 years residence permit to a third-country citizens and their family
- Business/assets acquisitions, granting residence permit with a 300.000 Euros minimum investment
- Strategic investments, a complete legal framework for large and very large scale investments, creating value for Greece, embraced by the Greek
- Government with fast track procedures plus tax, financing and a number of value added benefits for the investors.
- Hellenix has established a solid infrastructure to support tum-key investment proposals, starting from the identification and the thorough analysis of emerged opportunities until their conclusion and offering a direct involvement in the management, though a portfolio of intelligent solutions.
An overall due diligence is carried out in both private and business investments, offering all the neces services, advice, risk analysis and the actual
transactions for the acquisitions up to the Mad residence and work permits to third countries citizens
business investment law
New investment law (4146/2013) covers a broader spectrum of business sectors and targets to create a friendly environment for investors to boost economic growth through strategic investments.
Still the law for business investors, allows smaller scale investments starting from 300.000
teams and allowing residence permit for the investor and its family.
Still the law for business investors, allows smaller scale investments starting from 300.000
teams and allowing residence permit for the investor and its family.
private investment law
A renewable residence permit for five (5) years is granted to a third-country citizen and his family, if he legally owns, either personally or through a legal entity-whose shares are wholly owned by him:
- A property in Greece with a minimum value 250,000 Euros, or
- A minimum of ten- year time-sharing contract under Law 1652/1986: "Time-Sharing" and Regulations on Related Issues" (A' 167) as applicable, or...
- A 10-year lease of hotel accommodations or furnished tourist accommodation (houses) in tourist accommodation complexes according to Article 8, par. 2 of Law 4002/2011 (A’ 180)